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Autor(en) |
Thomas G. Benedek
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Benedek, Thomas G.
Titel |
The Role of Therapeutic Bathing in the Sixteenth Century and Its Contemporary Scientific Explanations
Auflage |
Erscheinungsort |
Berlin; Boston
Erscheinungsjahr |
Seiten |
Bandzahl |
Bandtitel |
Reihe |
Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture
Reihennummer |
Im Sammelband
Herausgeber |
Albrecht Classen
Sammelband |
Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. Explorations of Textual Presentations of Filth and Water
In Zeitschrift
Zeitschrift |
Zeitschriftenband |
Jahrgang |
Bearbeitungsstand |
Benedek, Thomas G.: The Role of Therapeutic Bathing in the Sixteenth Century and Its Contemporary Scientific Explanations. In: Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. Explorations of Textual Presentations of Filth and Water. Hg. v. Albrecht Classen. Berlin / Boston 2017 (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture 19), S. 528-567
Autor(en) |
Thomas G. Benedek
Sortiert |
Benedek, Thomas G.
Titel |
The Role of Therapeutic Bathing in the Sixteenth Century and Its Contemporary Scientific Explanations
Erscheinungsort |
Berlin; Boston
Erscheinungsjahr |
Seiten |
Reihe |
Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture
Reihennummer |
Im Sammelband
Herausgeber |
Albrecht Classen
Sammelband |
Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. Explorations of Textual Presentations of Filth and Water
Benedek, Thomas G.: The Role of Therapeutic Bathing in the Sixteenth Century and Its Contemporary Scientific Explanations. In: Bodily and Spiritual Hygiene in Medieval and Early Modern Literature. Explorations of Textual Presentations of Filth and Water. Hg. v. Albrecht Classen. Berlin / Boston 2017 (Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture 19), S. 528-567